Sunday, August 12, 2012

Best Episodes of Family Guy: Season 2

Like all seasons of Family Guy, season 2 had its good moments and bad moments. Today I'm going to share with you some of my favorite moments from season 2 by revealing the 5 best episodes from season 2 of Family Guy.

1)      Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater: The Griffins inherit their aunt’s mansion and Peter starts acting and spending like a snobby billionaire even though he doesn’t actually have the money. The way Peter gets absorbed by his Lord Griffin persona, and all his typical shenanigans, make this one of the best episodes of Family Guy.

2)      Da Boom: It’s Y2K and Peter correctly predicts the apocalypse. To find food, the Griffins set-off for the Twinkie factory where Peter becomes the leader. Peter, being Peter, screws up mightily; his screw-ups make this one of the funniest Family Guy episodes of Season 2. This is also the first, of many, Peter vs Giant Chicken fights.

3)   The King is Dead: This is definitely one of my favorite Family Guy episodes. Lois becomes the director of a play "The King and I" for the Quahog Theater. Peter tries out, but fails miserably, so Lois makes him the producer. Peter, being Peter, takes complete control of the production, fires Lois, and turns the play into something much more futuristic and R rated.

4)   E. Petrbus Unum: When Peter goes to get a permit, so that he can build a pool in his backyard, he finds out that his property is not part of the U.S.A. Eventually things go hilariously wrong and Peter ends up facing a choice of either making his Petoria a part of the U.S again, or being blown up with a tank.

5)   Road to Rhode Island: The first of Brian and Stewie road trip episodes. I find this to be one of the best episodes of Family Guy because of how well the characters of Stewie and Brian mash, making the episode entertaining from start to finish.

Well, that's it for this week. Don't forget to comeback next week for the top 5 episodes of Season 3!

In the meantime, here are some other funny moments from Season 2:

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